Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Paging Hanukkah Harry

Paging Hanukkah Harry | Pink Puppy Necklace
Pink Puppy Necklace
Paging Hanukkah Harry | The Ultimate Messenger Bag - Happy Apple
The Ultimate Messenger Bag - Happy Apple

Looking for an arty and hip gift for the young person on your holiday shopping list? Not something mass produced or that requires you to go anywhere near the mall? But something made in a limited edition, and easily obtained with a mouse-click?

There’s no need to fear! Shana Logic is here! Shana Logic is an online shop for jewelry, apparel, and accessories that are all lovingly made by independent artists. And yes, they even have stuff for guys. Shana Victor, proprietor (and personal friend of mine), tells me most of her customers are age 16–25. But it’s obvious to me that her shop has a wider appeal: I, an early 40-something (and admittedly somewhat goofy) chick, love my new cupcake belt. And 5-year-old Max is already waiting in line to inherit it.

Paging Hanukkah Harry | Screenshots from
Screenshots from

I met Shana in 2002 when she joined Studio Mobius (our now mercifully defunct design studio). Shana is also the founder of the acclaimed website Pixelgirl Presents. She earned a BFA in photography at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design. She’s extremely talented, entrepreneurial, and fun to eat sushi with — and we were lucky to find her. When I offered her a job as a part-time designer, I told her to consider Studio Mobius a stepping stone to having her own business. Within a few short years of working with us, I’m not surprised to see that Shana Logic and Morfia Design, her design studio, are doing so well.

In a fun meeting of creative energies, I set up a photo session to help Shana get some new product shots on her site. I asked Kayla Mishner, a senior I met while taking her senior portraits, if she wanted to be our model. As you can see, she rocked! Thanks Shana and Kayla.

I just hope Hanukkah Harry reads my blog!

Paging Hanukkah Harry | Sassy Sword Necklace and Red Stripy Arm Warmers
Sassy Sword Necklace and Red Stripy Arm Warmers

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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