Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

FestiFools 2015

FestiFools 2015 | Beautiful connections and strange juxtapositions — even dismembered limbs and provocative text messages! — are par for the FestiFools course.
Beautiful connections and strange juxtapositions — even dismembered limbs and provocative text messages! — are par for the FestiFools course.
FestiFools 2015 | If it wasn’t the most glorious day weather-wise of all nine FestiFools so far, it was darn near it. No doubt this delicious looking ice-cream-bot inspired a rush at Kilwins.
If it wasn’t the most glorious day weather-wise of all nine FestiFools so far, it was darn near it. No doubt this delicious looking ice-cream-bot inspired a rush at Kilwins.
FestiFools 2015 | Local photographer Abby Rosenbaum had a lovely FestiFools glow about her.
Local photographer Abby Rosenbaum had a lovely FestiFools glow about her.
FestiFools 2015 | Do some of these giant puppets look familiar? Well, you’ve got a good eye, my man. Rumor has it that several papier-mâché titans from FestiFools past staged a rebellion (from the rafters of the FestiFools studio) and demanded a chance to relive their hour of glory on Main Street. The WonderFool Productions board, acknowledging their own pangs of nostalgia, ultimately acceded to the rebel-puppets’ request. It was decreed that this year’s FestiFools theme would be “Déjà Fool.” And there was much rejoicing in the streets.
Do some of these giant puppets look familiar? Well, you’ve got a good eye, my man. Rumor has it that several papier-mâché titans from FestiFools past staged a rebellion (from the rafters of the FestiFools studio) and demanded a chance to relive their hour of glory on Main Street. The WonderFool Productions board, acknowledging their own pangs of nostalgia, ultimately acceded to the rebel-puppets’ request. It was decreed that this year’s FestiFools theme would be “Déjà Fool.” And there was much rejoicing in the streets.
FestiFools 2015 | “You got badged? Me too!!!”

Max and Rico got it into their heads to distribute “Badge” badges at this year’s FestiFools. I gotta love my dadaist boy, and his dadaist dad. But, in the interest of full disclosure, I am compelled to mention that just 20 minutes before I needed to be downtown shooting FestiFools, Rico was still furiously cutting 156 badges, perfectly oblivious to everything going on around him except the path of the X-Acto blade. Who ever said that three artists living under one roof wasn’t stressful?

“You got badged? Me too!!!”

Max and Rico got it into their heads to distribute “Badge” badges at this year’s FestiFools. I gotta love my dadaist boy, and his dadaist dad. But, in the interest of full disclosure, I am compelled to mention that just 20 minutes before I needed to be downtown shooting FestiFools, Rico was still furiously cutting 156 badges, perfectly oblivious to everything going on around him except the path of the X-Acto blade. Who ever said that three artists living under one roof wasn’t stressful?

FestiFools 2015 | The Agony and the Ecstasy.
The Agony and the Ecstasy.
FestiFools 2015 | What this picture needs… is MORE COWBELL!
What this picture needs… is MORE COWBELL!
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015 | This crash-helmeted robot was sanctioned for “peddling pipe cleaners without previously procuring the proper permit.” | Former FestiFools board member Ryan Munson sports two badges — talk about an authority figure!
This crash-helmeted robot was sanctioned for “peddling pipe cleaners without previously procuring the proper permit.” | Former FestiFools board member Ryan Munson sports two badges — talk about an authority figure!
FestiFools 2015 | The Detroit Party Marching Band had FestiFools bumpin’ and jumpin’, singin’ and swingin’ — in the key of D-sharp major!
The Detroit Party Marching Band had FestiFools bumpin’ and jumpin’, singin’ and swingin’ — in the key of D-sharp major!
FestiFools 2015 | Knuckle-dragging tech entrepreneur and skate park evangelist Dug Song uses his impressive upper-body strength to give his knuckles a brief respite.
Knuckle-dragging tech entrepreneur and skate park evangelist Dug Song uses his impressive upper-body strength to give his knuckles a brief respite.
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015 | One of three stunning heads on this fire-breathing dragon. (This woman should really be wearing asbestos mittens.)
One of three stunning heads on this fire-breathing dragon. (This woman should really be wearing asbestos mittens.)
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015 | The Detroit Party Marching Band really upped the street party, Mardi Gras quotient. Thanks so much, guys, for bringing your energy and zeal — and HUGE SOUND — to the streets of Tree Town!
The Detroit Party Marching Band really upped the street party, Mardi Gras quotient. Thanks so much, guys, for bringing your energy and zeal — and HUGE SOUND — to the streets of Tree Town!
FestiFools 2015 | Solo!
FestiFools 2015 | This kid totally “gets” the Foolish thing. I mean, dressing up as an inverted sno-cone is precisely what FestiFools is all about. Brilliant!
This kid totally “gets” the Foolish thing. I mean, dressing up as an inverted sno-cone is precisely what FestiFools is all about. Brilliant!
FestiFools 2015 | “Visine gets the red out.” (Just a suggestion.)
“Visine gets the red out.” (Just a suggestion.)
FestiFools 2015 | Eighth-grade music and art students from Clague Middle School brought their — wait for it… — music and art to FestiFools for a third year. We hope this tradition continues!
Eighth-grade music and art students from Clague Middle School brought their — wait for it… — music and art to FestiFools for a third year. We hope this tradition continues!
FestiFools 2015 | Mr. Moneybag$ over here thinks he can buy FestiFools. Well, I got news for him: it ain’t for sale!
Mr. Moneybag$ over here thinks he can buy FestiFools. Well, I got news for him: it ain’t for sale!
FestiFools 2015 | “Fernando, darling, you look mahvelous! Absolutely mahvelous!”
“Fernando, darling, you look mahvelous! Absolutely mahvelous!”
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015 | Ann Arbor District Library storyteller Laura Raynor (left) leads the robot invasion.
Ann Arbor District Library storyteller Laura Raynor (left) leads the robot invasion.
FestiFools 2015 | Right: Every time I went to take her picture, she’d cover her face with her hands just like this. I couldn’t understand why she kept hiding from me. (On a possibly unrelated note, I looked down at my camera and was surprised to see that my Nikon D4 had somehow been transformed into a 1947 Six-20 Brownie Model C. Very odd, indeed.)
Right: Every time I went to take her picture, she’d cover her face with her hands just like this. I couldn’t understand why she kept hiding from me. (On a possibly unrelated note, I looked down at my camera and was surprised to see that my Nikon D4 had somehow been transformed into a 1947 Six-20 Brownie Model C. Very odd, indeed.)
FestiFools 2015
FestiFools 2015 | Balloon ninja Carolynn Hayman is, as best as I can tell, some sort of Tiki-Bar-Totem-Hula-Girl.
Balloon ninja Carolynn Hayman is, as best as I can tell, some sort of Tiki-Bar-Totem-Hula-Girl.
FestiFools 2015 | Trevor Stone, kicking back in the rumble seat of his vintage, pink-Corinthian-leather-trimmed roadster, offers a melodious public service announcement on the importance of proper dental hygiene (“Don’t forget to brush your teeth!”).
Trevor Stone, kicking back in the rumble seat of his vintage, pink-Corinthian-leather-trimmed roadster, offers a melodious public service announcement on the importance of proper dental hygiene (“Don’t forget to brush your teeth!”).
FestiFools 2015 | Juli Pinsak got badged!
Juli Pinsak got badged!
FestiFools 2015 | Want kids to be bursting with joy? Get them near bubbles.
Want kids to be bursting with joy? Get them near bubbles.
FestiFools 2015 | U-M Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (LACS) Artists-in-Residence Magali Medeiros and Philip Galinsky led the U-M Vencedores Band.
U-M Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (LACS) Artists-in-Residence Magali Medeiros and Philip Galinsky led the U-M Vencedores Band.
FestiFools 2015 | WonderFool Productions founder/creative director, Mark Tucker, with part of his Foolish dynasty.
WonderFool Productions founder/creative director, Mark Tucker, with part of his Foolish dynasty.
FestiFools 2015 | Working it! WonderFools Productions (WFP) event consultant Stephanie McIntyre, WFP president Shary Brown, student board member and WFP secretary Adriana Zardus, WFP treasurer Kathe Bowen, and WFP fundraising director Jeri Rosenberg.
Working it! WonderFools Productions (WFP) event consultant Stephanie McIntyre, WFP president Shary Brown, student board member and WFP secretary Adriana Zardus, WFP treasurer Kathe Bowen, and WFP fundraising director Jeri Rosenberg.
FestiFools 2015 | Me and the Goose! Photo credit: Rico | My boys at our favorite post-FestiFools yellow doorway. Here they are 7 years ago..
Me and the Goose! Photo credit: Rico | My boys at our favorite post-FestiFools yellow doorway. Here they are 7 years ago..

See also:



Really enjoyed the Festifools photos! Good fun!


Sorry I missed all the foolishness! My best to the Tucker-Myers!

#2 Jim Headley

Another stunning & luscious capture by the jedi of photography! Myra, I love your magic artist eyes & sensibility. You take this amazing event to a higher level with how you capture the essence of creativity, delight, joy, & community. We are so fortunate to have you & your generous spirit representin’ right here in Ann Arbor.

#3 lisa gottlieb

The girl was a brilliant Weeping Angel from the Doctor Who series …be glad your eyes never met! Fabulous pics!

#4 Pattie

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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