Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Marching towards FestiFools 2009


The hive has been abuzz of late with the frantic, final push to get all the puppets ready for FestiFools 2009. And know this: The April 5 street party will definitely happen — RAIN OR SHINE. So be there, A-squared!

Don’t miss FestiFools 2009!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
4:00–5:00pm (sharp!)
Downtown Ann Arbor (Main St., between Washington and William)
Complete info at

FestiFools still needs more volunteers for the day of the event — puppet wranglers, crowd control, merry-makers, and “roadies.” For more information on how you can help out, see FestiFools: Volunteer at the Event and/or email

I’ve been snooping around the studio over the last several weeks with my camera in tow. It’s my pleasure and privilege to document the massive “behind-the-scenes” effort that goes into creating this 1-hour spectacle. Except as otherwise indicated, the puppet makers captured in these photos are U-M students in Mark Tucker’s Art in Public Spaces course.

Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | The FestiFools studio abuzz — puppets emeriti oversee this year’s work.
The FestiFools studio abuzz — puppets emeriti oversee this year’s work.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Eric Jarrett applies gluey strips of newspaper to the president’s face. We HOPE and BELIEVE that the puppets will be ready by April 5. Yes We Can! | Dave Roston is 100% focused on achieving the perfect, Platonic eggplant.
Eric Jarrett applies gluey strips of newspaper to the president’s face. We HOPE and BELIEVE that the puppets will be ready by April 5. Yes We Can! | Dave Roston is 100% focused on achieving the perfect, Platonic eggplant.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Amanda Yu  and Shuli Qu (School of Public Health volunteers) affix news clippings of great economic and national security significance (“Dancing with the stars…”) to a cardboard puppet skeleton. Amy Sumerton (volunteer) takes a break from her day job as the Program Director at 826michigan to “do glue.” By the way, check out 826michigan’s special pre-Fools program: Robot-Costume-Building Workshop & FestiFools Invasion!
Amanda Yu and Shuli Qu (School of Public Health volunteers) affix news clippings of great economic and national security significance (“Dancing with the stars…”) to a cardboard puppet skeleton. Amy Sumerton (volunteer) takes a break from her day job as the Program Director at 826michigan to “do glue.” By the way, check out 826michigan’s special pre-Fools program: Robot-Costume-Building Workshop & FestiFools Invasion!
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | The studio shoppe (FestiFools T-shirts are also on sale at Found) | Melissa Gildenberg and Jenny Park seem inexplicably cheerful, given that Jenny is about to be devoured by a giant squid.
The studio shoppe (FestiFools T-shirts are also on sale at Found) | Melissa Gildenberg and Jenny Park seem inexplicably cheerful, given that Jenny is about to be devoured by a giant squid.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Max [hearts] this puppet.
Max [hearts] this puppet.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Corrugated cardboard is no match for the jigsaw-wielding Julian Pedersen.  | Cindy Huynh contemplates her puppet, paintbrush in hand.
Corrugated cardboard is no match for the jigsaw-wielding Julian Pedersen. | Cindy Huynh contemplates her puppet, paintbrush in hand.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Joel Swanson and Liz Rother (volunteers) performing late-stage R&D on their jellyfish puppet.
Joel Swanson and Liz Rother (volunteers) performing late-stage R&D on their jellyfish puppet.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Rachel Brooks strikes carpet-pad pay dirt. | Dave Waterhouse (steering committee member) crafts a fully-articulated, robotic hand for a puppet.
Rachel Brooks strikes carpet-pad pay dirt. | Dave Waterhouse (steering committee member) crafts a fully-articulated, robotic hand for a puppet.
Marching towards FestiFools 2009 | Where’s Waldo? (Keep your eyes peeled…)
Where’s Waldo? (Keep your eyes peeled…)

See also:



seriously, you get to photograph the funnest things ever! love these shots!

God, Myra, you really caught it. Terrific!

#2 Barbara

These are great – hope the parade was fun!!

#3 farlane

We had a great time out there on Main St. today! I am glad you were able to hit Kerrytown and spread the word!

What incredible creativity! And all for fun….for the delight in creating and the joy of seeing. Thank you for restoring some semblance of sanity in this tired world! Wonderful pictures which capture the buzz of the workshop so well. Thanks for all of it!

#5 Janey

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 21-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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