Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

More Celebrity Sightings


Running into Waldo on April 1st had initially seemed like an isolated stroke of good luck. But now I’m not so sure. For later that same day, I bumped into three other celebrities — which makes me think that something big is brewing in town. I mean, these are among the last people I would have expected to see in Ann Arbor this week — and not just because one should be in London at the G20 summit, another is a cartoon character, and the third… I’ll save her for another blog post. Let’s just say that she wanted to exit joyfully and never return.

My first thought was that maybe they’re all working on a movie here. But that’s just too obvious, too pat. Sure, they may say that’s what they’re doing, but I don’t buy it. My hunch is that they’re actually in town for FestiFools.

More Celebrity Sightings | President Obama enjoys meeting some “real Americans”  at the corner of Liberty and Fourth Ave. A guy who bowls with the president (who wished to remain anonymous, because his wife doesn’t know he’s been bowling on Wednesday nights with the leader of the free world) related that the president “had a good time in Ann Arbor.”
President Obama enjoys meeting some “real Americans” at the corner of Liberty and Fourth Ave. A guy who bowls with the president (who wished to remain anonymous, because his wife doesn’t know he’s been bowling on Wednesday nights with the leader of the free world) related that the president “had a good time in Ann Arbor.”
More Celebrity Sightings | President Obama next stops at Sweetwaters to refuel. His favorite hot beverage? Apparently, that’s a state secret.
President Obama next stops at Sweetwaters to refuel. His favorite hot beverage? Apparently, that’s a state secret.
More Celebrity Sightings | Homer Simpson thought that he’d died and gone to heaven when he entered Zingerman’s. “Mmmmmm… Cheese…”
Homer Simpson thought that he’d died and gone to heaven when he entered Zingerman’s. “Mmmmmm… Cheese…”
More Celebrity Sightings | Sure, Homer Simpson may be a big, Hollywood star. But I found him to be quite rude. He pushed his way to the front of a long, lunch-rush line, and then started interrogating this young woman about her order. And he never even made eye contact with her — he couldn’t take his eyes off the food!
Sure, Homer Simpson may be a big, Hollywood star. But I found him to be quite rude. He pushed his way to the front of a long, lunch-rush line, and then started interrogating this young woman about her order. And he never even made eye contact with her — he couldn’t take his eyes off the food!

See also:



I couldn’t see the woman’s expression on her face. That is too funny!

yah! you’re commentary makes the photos even more delightful. Fun to breakfast with ya this a.m.! xo

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 21-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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