Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Shana Logic Loves Sadie

Shana Logic Loves Sadie | Left: Skull & Bow Hairclip and the Glass Heart & Crossbones Necklace | Right: Ukiyo5 Blossom & Bow Hairclip, Classic Crocheted Arm Warmers, Happy Toaster Pastry Necklace (for those who have a thing for toaster pastries),  and the Glitter-licious Heart Necklace
Left: Skull & Bow Hairclip and the Glass Heart & Crossbones Necklace | Right: Ukiyo5 Blossom & Bow Hairclip, Classic Crocheted Arm Warmers, Happy Toaster Pastry Necklace (for those who have a thing for toaster pastries), and the Glitter-licious Heart Necklace

Sadie Yarrington was one of the first dancers I photographed — for the Pioneer Theatre Guild and for her high school senior portraits. Her talent, poise, and positive energy make her a real treat to work with. What’s more, the portraits I’ve taken of Sadie helped put me on the map in Ann Arbor. She is regularly recognized in my portfolio, and she is featured — catching huge air — in a large-format print displayed at the Kerrytown Market. So I (literally) jumped (as high as I could) at the chance to photograph her again, this time for Shana Logic.

Sadie just started her sophomore year at UM, where she’s majoring in dance and biological anthropology. And thanks to a brilliant program established by the Pioneer Theatre Guild producer Susan Hurwitz — which invites students in the UM School of Music, Theatre & Dance to come to Pioneer to mentor and gain experience — she’s still creatively involved in the high school’s productions. In 2008, she choreographed both Willy Wonka and Future Stars. This year, she’ll be directing Future Stars.

Our Shana Logic session was as much fun as this one and that one. We cranked my iTunes playlist, and Shana accessorized Sadie in a variety of cute and stylish items created by independent artists. Sadie is a natural model: adorable, expressive, and playful. Shana posted some of Sadie’s shots right away and has already heard raves from several shoppers, who loved Sadie’s fun vibe. Thanks, Sadie!

Shana Logic Loves Sadie | Sadie shows the general size and fit of a selection of necklaces.
Sadie shows the general size and fit of a selection of necklaces.
Shana Logic Loves Sadie | Attitude by Sadie. Styling by Shana. Crochet Weeble Pig atop Sadie’s head (in frame 3) by Alexis Barreda.
Attitude by Sadie. Styling by Shana. Crochet Weeble Pig atop Sadie’s head (in frame 3) by Alexis Barreda.

See also:



LOVE this post!!! Sadie and you both rock:-)

#1 shana

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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