February 26, 2008
Burns Park Players: Beauty and the Beast
![When Maurice arrives at the castle, he enjoys checking out ALL the equipment. [Bob Galardi, Jay Pekala, and Eva Rosenwald]](http://relish.myraklarman.com/images/181t.jpg)

![Madame de la Grande Bouche (the Wardrobe) offers Belle a favorite gown. | Lumiere, in full costume, was positively dashing. [Dawn Korman, Karen Ostafinski Hulsebus, and Clinch Steward]](http://relish.myraklarman.com/images/184t.jpg)

![Mrs. Potts sings “Beauty and the Beast” while Belle and the Beast dance in the castle ballroom. [Milo Tucker-Meyer, Lisa Mann, Karen Ostafinski Hulsebus, and Jon Wardner]](http://relish.myraklarman.com/images/186t.jpg)
The show has been closed for over a week, and my family is still trying to figure out how the songs go. Max still sings his cover versions of Consider Yourself (from Oliver!) and To Life! (from Fiddler on the Roof) — nearly on a daily basis.
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