Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Entries tagged with “power-center”

Announcing VI.VA

In just two days, school lets out — and the 30th annual Ann Arbor Summer Festival kicks off! I’ve been waiting for this upcoming Festival’s opening night for an ENTIRE YEAR. And it’s not just because I love the Festival. Last season had some amazing moments (of which I’ve got photographic...

Announcing JUMP.IN

Executive summary: Tomorrow. Last day of school. First day of the Ann Arbor Summer Festival. Glorious weather. YES! I can feel it. I can taste it. I can practically see it (although that may be retinal afterburn). For the past few weeks I’ve been awash in my favorite images captured at...

Announcing PLAY.SPACE

I have barely caught my breath from last year’s Summer Festival and here it comes again! But truly, not a moment too soon — we’re ready for warm summer breezes, and more than ready for hangin’ out with fellow Townies at Ingalls Mall. And this year’s Festival line-up has us...

Announcing: STOP.MOTION

The Ann Arbor Summer Festival is right around the corner (it starts this Friday, and the weather forecast for the opening weekend looks amazing), and so is my 3rd big Summer Festival photography exhibit in the Power Center lobby. The exhibit is entitled STOP.MOTION, and features a new set of...

Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2009

Breathless! That’s me after shooting 16 days (out of 24) at the Festival. This is the first Festival out of the past three I’ve shot where there wasn’t a performance in the sky above Ingalls Mall. I don’t mind admitting that performers such as Strange Fruit and Heliosphere can make it...

Announcing: RE.FRESH

The Ann Arbor Summer Festival is right around the corner (starts next Friday), and so is my 2nd big Summer Festival photography exhibit in the Power Center lobby. The exhibit is entitled RE.FRESH, and features a new set of images taken at last year’s Top of the Park. The exhibit...

outside.IN: Artist Reception

Last night’s reception was fantastic! Just having my images exhibited is a thrill, but having an artist reception? It blew my mind. I was literally speechless after Robb Woulfe’s beautiful recounting of how I started working with the Ann Arbor Summer Festival and of his reactions to my photographs. If...

Announcing: outside.IN

When Robb Woulfe, the executive director of the Ann Arbor Summer Festival, approached me about displaying some of my Festival images in the Power Center lobby, my exact response was “Are you kidding me?” When I was running around photographing last year’s Festival, I figured the images would be used...

FestiFools 2008

Wow! FestiFools 2008 was completely, totally, utterly, absolutely, wicked awesome! Giant puppets marauding on Main Street; throngs of volunteers and spectators jumping, dancing, clapping, and shouting “Wahoo!”; Groove beating on buckets and ladders; clowns and music-makers clowning and making music (respectively); Zoltan posing mind-boggling koans; lots of happy faces; plenty...
Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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