Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Last Call: Step Right Up!

Last Call: Step Right Up! | Flying with the greatest of ease. (1)
Flying with the greatest of ease. (1)

I wasn’t intending to revisit the Gallery Project’s fundraising exhibit, Step Right Up. But my friend Abby really wanted to have portraits of herself taken while she posed among several installations. So we made a date of it. First we had lunch at Eastern Accents (where we ran into 24 people from the Ann Arbor Bi Bim Bop [a2b3] lunch group), and then we dashed to the gallery, just across the street, to embark on our photo safari. Abby was appropriately dressed in a zebra-print dress.

I also wasn’t intending to post about the show again. But I really love how the portraits turned out. With the holidays behind us, you might find you have the urge do some unusual portraits of your own (on either side of the camera). If so, you had better hurry. The exhibit’s last day is this Saturday, January 17. Conveniently, the gallery is open until 9pm on both Fridays and Saturdays.

$20 may seem steep for a PhotoPass that you might only use for a single, one-hour visit. But remember it’s a fundraising exhibit, too. The gallery will bolster your art, and you get to bolster the gallery. And, if you’re even nominally playful, you can easily get more than your money’s worth in a very short amount of time. To give you an idea, Abby and I were able to make this entire collection of photos in well under an hour.

Last Call: Step Right Up! | Watching Abby do the dishes. (2) | Root’n Toot’n Barbie. (3)
Watching Abby do the dishes. (2) | Root’n Toot’n Barbie. (3)
Last Call: Step Right Up! | (4) | (5)
(4) | (5)
Last Call: Step Right Up! | Lots of chances to take your best shot. But you’ll have to bang it out pretty quickly! (6)
Lots of chances to take your best shot. But you’ll have to bang it out pretty quickly! (6)

See also: I provided more complete information about this exhibit (along with more photos) in this blog entry.


  • (1) Lou Krueger, Matt Krueger, and Susan Krueger: The Fabulous Flying Fibonaccis
  • (2) Steve Coy: Reality TV Simulator
  • (3) Mike Sivak and Julie Renfro: Feminine Mystique
  • (4) Rick Ruiner: Please Wake Me From This American Dream
  • (5) & (6) Vince Mountain: Shadow House

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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