Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Entries tagged with “burns-park-players”

Burns Park Players: How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

Every year I rack my brains trying to come up with fresh ways of extolling the virtues of the latest Burns Park Players Production. So forgive me for reposting here my comment on Roger LeLievre’s glowing review in “Congrats to the cast and crew for such a gorgeous show...

Burns Park Players: Getting Ready to Succeed!

Based on my extensive reconnoitering activities over the past several weeks, I can confidently declare that the Burns Park Players are gonna hit yet another home run with their production of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying! It’s an amazing show — great musical numbers, dead-on period costumes...

Burns Park Players: Guys and Dolls

This is Max’s first year as an official Burns Park Players cast-member. I tell you, the show takes on a whole other significance for me now that Max gets the magical experience of being one of the kids on stage. This is something he’s been chomping at the bit to...

Burns Park Players: Annie Get Your Gun

The Burns Park Players have just finished their penultimate performance of this year’s show, Annie Get Your Gun. Last Friday, I caught opening night with Rico and my in-laws. Roger LeLievre wasn’t exactly tightfisted with the praise in his glowing review for the Ann Arbor News. Tomorrow, we’re taking Max...

Burns Park Players: Beauty and the Beast

The show has been closed for over a week, and my family is still trying to figure out how the songs go. Max still sings his cover versions of Consider Yourself (from Oliver!) and To Life! (from Fiddler on the Roof) — nearly on a daily basis. Color v. Black+White When...

Goose Joins the Set Crew

Where do we go for action on a frigid, wintry day? To Tappan Middle School to work on Beauty and the Beast, of course. Max arrived just in time to assist the set crew with some very important tasks. Jeri Rosenberg, especially, appreciated Max’s help. Everything is looking absolutely amazing!...

Auspicious Beginnings

I love telling people about how my photographic career got started. It’s a “follow your bliss” kinda story, and it all started with the Burns Park Players’ production of Brigadoon in 2005. I had been a graphic designer for 18 years, and had spent the latter half of those years in...

Burns Park Players: Oliver!

Ever since learning about the Burns Park Players in 2003 (when I was blown away by their production of The Music Man), I’ve harbored wishes to design one of their posters. So I was delighted to learn that UM student Liam White’s design for the Oliver! poster featured a portrait...
Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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