Tessa Virtue + Scott Moir: The H2O Sessions, Part II
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Guess what I was doing Friday night during the Olympic ice dancing event (which I followed by reading the scores online after each team skated, since we don’t have our television hooked up to any broadcast/cable/satellite media)? I was prepping the images for this blog entry! It was my small way of rooting for Tessa and Scott. A virtual homage.
Tessa and Scott are currently in 2nd place after Friday’s Compulsory Dance (which makes up about 20% of the skaters’ final score). In 1st place is the Russian team of Oksana Dominina and Maxim Shabalin. In 3rd place are Tessa and Scott’s training partners, US champions Meryl Davis and Charlie White. There are two more components to the ice dance competition: the Original Dance (about 30% of the final score) on Sunday evening and the Free Dance (about 50% of the final score) on Monday evening. The medals will be awarded after Monday night’s event. You know I’ll be glued to the TV — exactly whose TV I can’t yet say for certain — for several hours on Monday evening!
Part II: On ice! As much as we all enjoyed staging photos in the meadow and the river (see Part I), there was another location Tessa and Scott had their hearts set on: their practice rink, Arctic Edge in Canton, MI. I was excited to photograph them training, but I had concerns about what the lighting conditions would be like. Most rinks are bare-bones facilities with industrial lighting, and Arctic Edge is no exception. Plus, Tessa and Scott wouldn’t be standing still. Au contraire, they would be ripping around the rink practicing parts of their various programs. So with iffy light and a large expanse of ice to work with, I wasn’t sure what I would come up with.
The pictures turned out better than I expected. However, I didn’t anticipate how happy they’d make Tessa. She was clearly ecstatic: “WE ARE IN LOOOOOOOVE WITH THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The Arctic Edge rink may not have gorgeous scenery or dramatic light; but Tessa and Scott spend countless hours there developing and refining their routines, and it’s obviously a very special place to them. And, truly, they make any place beautiful!
Tessa and Scott give the world such a gift with their skating. They show us what great beauty, talent, and skill — when honed for 13+ years — looks like. It’s a soul-uplifting experience to watch them, to see what is humanly possible. Thanks guys!

Once again, amazing photos!
Love the pictures. I feel all floaty and happy now. Best of luck to them in their OD today~!
Your photos are BEAUTIFUL! You’re a lucky person to have such amazing people to photograph.
Wow, these pictures are gorgeous! Please take more if you can, we love them. ;)
Thank you! and for making them a website =)
Thanks everyone! Wasn’t that an amazing Flamenco tonight? Fierce!
B, I can’t take credit for the website, it was done by the talented folks at Pryor Design Co.
…thanks for sharing great pictures! go for GOLD tonight..love them!
WOW and WOW and WOW all over again with all these incredible photos of Tessa & Scott – our GOLDen couple!!! Thank you so much for sharing these with us…and you have captured the beauty of their lovely friendship through all your photos!!!
I am so glad that I have stumbled upon this site!
well… I’m sorry to read this only now, but you should know that www.ctv.ca/olympics has live coverage of the olympics for all disciplines…
If you still don’t have television, you should consider it! Anyhow, since they got the gold, all three of their performances are played again and again and again (and quite frankly, I just don’t get tired of seeing those two skate… don’t think I ever will)
I love the portrait of them with Igor. What a victory last night – so well deserved.
thanks for these pictures!! finding a large, clear image of them has been kind of hard. just lovely! i love the one where they’re sitting in the river :)
I just so happened to change the channel and see this beautiful pair win the gold! I was soooo happy for you and for them as well. Beautiful images, as always! :)
Esta presentacción fue sin duda la mejor de toda competicción, me encantó los movimietos de ella al bailar el flamenco, estaba como una pluma al viento! Mucho guapo!Tu oro fue merecido!Mis Cumpleaños!
Myra, now that Tessa and Scott is world famous with their Olympics win, I like many others want to get many of their pictures. I want to find larger images to build a screen album along with my TV recordings to show my friends. These larger images turns out to be quite hard to find. But I found out you took their images in official sessions. And you are so gracious to post them in your web, which I copied without shame. In return I must offer you my biggest appreciation in this comment box. Your shots are completely artistic and professional. I hope you will further benefit from your association with these world-class ice dancers, Olympics gold winners. You are one lucky photographer!
They are beautiful pictures you took them.
Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! I just saw these ones along with the beautiful ones at the river. You are a fantastic photographer and Tessa and Scott look beautiful in your pictures. I’m from Scotland and was cheering them on from my living room when they competed at the Olympics. Their performance was absolutely breathtaking – the best ice dancing I have ever seen!
I can’t believe I’ve only just seen all of these wonderful photos now!
They are so beautiful, but the photos you’ve taken emphasize it even more so.
Thank you for sharing! :)
Amei as fotos!!! eles sao simplismente maravilhosos!! São meus preferidos.
these pics are amazin
u guys are amazing!!
scott i love youu!!
and tessa ur gorgeous
luv u both <3 <3
tessa virtue is gorgeous and eartherial beauty.
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