Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Kerrytown Motherfest 2009

Kerrytown Motherfest 2009 | Find your portraits at Elephant Ears…
Find your portraits at Elephant Ears…

Motherfest was once again a great success. Thanks to all you brave souls who weathered unseasonably chilly temps and gale-force winds to have your portrait taken by me. (Rico, who was assisting me during the shoot, wants to especially thank Giri (Minister of Wine) for literally giving him the sweatshirt off his back.)

This was my third year participating in Kerrytown’s Motherfest, and it seems that the secret is out. I loved seeing all the familiar faces — moms from years past, Max’s classmates’ moms, clients. How wonderful to hear that so many of you are still enjoying 2007 and/or 2008 Motherfest portraits! I’m sorry if anyone had trouble finding me — I had to keep moving around so as not to block any particular Farmers’ Market stand for an extended period of time.

Prints are now posted on the 2nd floor of Kerrytown (by Elephant Ears and Found); and they’re free for the taking. And don’t despair: the pics will be up for a few weeks (in case you can’t bee-line it to Kerrytown right away).

Many thanks to Karen Farmer and Kerrytown Market & Shops for inviting me back again this year; and to the Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market vendors for creating such a fun and vibrant social/economic hub in our town — and for putting up with me.

Kerrytown Motherfest 2009 | … or at Found.
… or at Found.
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009 | I believe these friends (on the right) are the only family to have a perfect Motherfest record — they’re 3 for 3!
I believe these friends (on the right) are the only family to have a perfect Motherfest record — they’re 3 for 3!
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009 | Last year I photographed the matriarch of this family and her two daughters. This year I got to photograph four generations!
Last year I photographed the matriarch of this family and her two daughters. This year I got to photograph four generations!
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009
Kerrytown Motherfest 2009

See also:



Beautiful shots, Myra. The light at this place is to die for. I’m moving to Ann Arbor and setting up shop right there. :)

#1 Dawn

Wow. Just, wow.

You know what I love so much? I love that if I saw these in a magazine anywhere in the world, I would scan the credits looking for your name, because your photos are SO infused with “essence of Myra” and I find myself lost for words to compliment them. Yes, they are vivid, gorgeous, real, emotionally accessible, resonant… but I’ve used those words to describe other beautiful images by other talented photographers. Your photos are all of those things plus something really significant and inimitable that, as far as I can assess, has no adequate descriptor. I hate calling it a “je ne sais quoi” because that sounds twee, but it really is a certain something I cannot put into words. All I can say is that you clearly have a very special, very unique, very amazing gift and I am so happy you share it with the world the way you do.

#2 Kim

Also …

What Kim said. ;)

#3 Dawn

You have such an amazing eye, Myra! It’s such a joy to look through these. Have you ever thought about a “people and their dogs” series?

#4 Astrid

I love all of these shots and can’t wait to come pick up the one of Sophie, my Mom and me. You are so talented, we never looked so lovely!

#5 Adrienne Licata

Glorious! A tribute to you and to them.

#6 Mom

Please take my kids and my pictures next year at mother’s fest! These are so beautiful.

#7 MK


#8 Liz

Myra, As always, you amaze me! Thanks for the photos… and it was GREAT to see you after so long! xo, sara

#9 Sara Brackenbury

Myra, Wonderful Mom pics. I can’t believe I spotted an old friend (Tami S.—fourth down/left column) previously from Ferndale now living in Troy. I haven’t seen her daughter, Laura, in a while. She’s turned in to such a beautiful young woman! Thanks for posting.

#10 Karen Breen-Bondie

Darn it! I was going to do this finally this year! I thought it was tomorrow :( Beautiful photos as always, Myra! I guess I’m going to have to get organized and book some time with you for Maia and me. That girl is growing up so fast (and I am aging ;)

#11 Michele Rivette

Hey, just saw this is 2009! I didn’t miss it! We’ll be there!

#12 Michele Rivette

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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