Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Entries tagged with “kerrytown”

Fashion Shoot: Elephant Ears in Kerrytown (Fall 2009)

For this fall’s Elephant Ears fashion shoot, we really wanted to take the action outdoors — and, amazingly enough, the weather obliged. We gathered up a smaller posse of kids than usual, and carpe’d the diem one gorgeous morning in early September. The whole shoot was a breath of fresh...

Kerrytown Motherfest 2009

Motherfest was once again a great success. Thanks to all you brave souls who weathered unseasonably chilly temps and gale-force winds to have your portrait taken by me. (Rico, who was assisting me during the shoot, wants to especially thank Giri (Minister of Wine) for literally giving him the sweatshirt...

Kerrytown Motherfest 2009 — This Saturday

Come find me at the Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market this Saturday (May 9) 10am–1pm. I’ll be taking candid portraits of moms (with their kids and/or with their moms). On May 30, prints will be posted on the 2nd floor of Kerrytown Market & Shops — free for the taking! A full...

Fashion Shoot: Elephant Ears in Kerrytown (Spring 2009)

Warning: this page contains some serious cuteness! Don’t be alarmed if you experience warm fuzzies or an irresistible urge to swoon. It’s completely normal. As you can see, the fourth semiannual Elephant Ears fashion shoot was a runaway success. My thanks to all the families for making it happen. You can view...

Frida Kahlo

The mystery celebrity I mentioned in my last entry is none other than Frida Kahlo. Ms. Kahlo reportedly died in 1954, but that didn’t stop her from coming to Ann Arbor to enjoy FestiFools this Sunday. Many thanks to Lisa Gottlieb and Jeff McCabe for taking Frida and me on a...

Here’s Waldo

By random happenstance, I was loitering around Kerrytown this afternoon — when who should appear? None other than the loved-by-children-everywhere, bespectacled backpacker of picture-book fame, Waldo. (This couldn’t somehow, perchance, be related to FestiFools, could it? Nah!) Fortunately, I had my trusty Nikon with me. See if you can find...

Fashion Shoot: Elephant Ears in Kerrytown (Fall 2008)

What do you do when you’ve scheduled 10 adorable kids for a September fashion shoot in the picturesque alleyways of downtown Ann Arbor, and it’s pouring rain? You duck inside and run up the stairs to my studio — conveniently located just above Mongolian Barbeque on Main Street. Fortunately, the weather...

Kerrytown Motherfest 2008

The weather was perfect, the light was glorious, and I got to meet (and photograph) 68 cool moms who came to the Farmers’ Market. Prints will be posted on the 2nd floor of Kerrytown by Saturday, May 31; and they’re free — free, I say! — for the taking. And don’t...

Fashion Shoot: Elephant Ears in Kerrytown (Spring 2008)

The second Elephant Ears fashion shoot was a great success. Many thanks to all the families who participated. This is turning into a nice little tradition (see last season’s shoot). You can see these beautiful faces (and adorable children’s clothing) on display at Elephant Ears, located on the 2nd floor of...

Announcing: Kerrytown Motherfest 2008

Myra Klarman Photography
Come find me at the Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market this Saturday (May 10) 10am–1pm. I’ll be taking candid portraits of moms (with their kids and/or with their moms). On May 30, prints will be posted on the 2nd floor of Kerrytown Market & Shops — free for the taking! Take a gander...

Street Smart

I know that many seniors dig urban portraits. But last summer I photographed this 2.5-year-old girl, who was absolutely giddy about having her pictures done city-style. The results were amazing! Needless to say, this year I’ll be shooting people of all ages in downtown Ann Arbor. With my camera,...

Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy

I’m very excited to announce that one of my new pro bono projects is photographing for Make-A-Wish. Based in Ann Arbor, the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan grants the wishes of children throughout Michigan facing life-threatening medical conditions. The goal is to affirm the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. On...

Portraits on Display at Kerrytown

If you’d like to see samples of my portrait work up-close, take a tour of Kerrytown Market & Shops. I have displays on the 1st and 2nd floors, and along all three stairways. Many people ask to see samples of the modern gallery-wrapped canvases — these are hung upstairs, across from...

Fashion Shoot: Elephant Ears in Kerrytown (Fall 2007)

A couple of Wednesdays ago, a market day, I photographed a few of my favorite models wearing the latest in adorable fall fashion from Elephant Ears (formerly Keedo) located in Kerrytown. These kids were real troopers, especially the first group who modeled fall clothing in the summer heat. Even though we...

Kerrytown Motherfest 2007

Kerrytown offered a special Mother’s Day gift: candid portraits taken by me! I roved around the market, camera in hand, for 3 hours in search of moms with kids — they were plentiful! The weather was perfect, and the light at the Farmers’ Market was unbeatable. (Looking for a colorful...
Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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