Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy


I’m very excited to announce that one of my new pro bono projects is photographing for Make-A-Wish. Based in Ann Arbor, the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan grants the wishes of children throughout Michigan facing life-threatening medical conditions. The goal is to affirm the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.

On a beautiful, sunny day in January, I got to photograph my first “wish kid,” Izzy. Izzy just turned 4 and is undergoing maintenance chemotherapy for leukemia. She loves Disney characters — especially princesses! — and she’s very excited about going to Disney World with her parents and two sisters this month (that is her wish). She is also a delightful, beautiful girl, whom I will never forget.

For her photo shoot, Izzy got to star in her own, personal fashion show at Elephant Ears in Kerrytown. Elephant Ears owner Jenna McElroy let Izzy choose whatever fairy princess dress-up outfit she wanted — she’d even get to keep it after the shoot! Izzy made a bee line for the pink one — hands down, pink is her favorite color. Princess Izzy and I made the rounds at Kerrytown Market, where Izzy repeatedly turned me and several shop owners into frogs, and then (mercifully) back into humans again.

Many thanks to Robin Cook (Whitfield Design) for introducing me to Make-A-Wish.

Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy | Izzy models her fairy dress-up ensemble, which includes a skirt, wings, and wand. I love how the skirt is designed to go over her clothes.
Izzy models her fairy dress-up ensemble, which includes a skirt, wings, and wand. I love how the skirt is designed to go over her clothes.
Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy | The sun-drenched, jewel-tone curtains at Sweetwaters provided the perfect backdrop to our fantasy. And even as a frog, I enjoyed photographing Izzy.
The sun-drenched, jewel-tone curtains at Sweetwaters provided the perfect backdrop to our fantasy. And even as a frog, I enjoyed photographing Izzy.
Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy | While Izzy changed into her next outfit, li’l sis Ryan modeled some boots that Elephant Ears had on display. Ryan likes to mix and match.
While Izzy changed into her next outfit, li’l sis Ryan modeled some boots that Elephant Ears had on display. Ryan likes to mix and match.
Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy | Such a natural!
Such a natural!
Make-A-Wish: Princess Izzy | Fairy Godmother Susan Fenters Lerch (a.k.a. CEO, Make-a-Wish Foundation of Michigan) and Magic the Bear stopped by the say hello!
Fairy Godmother Susan Fenters Lerch (a.k.a. CEO, Make-a-Wish Foundation of Michigan) and Magic the Bear stopped by the say hello!

See also:



Myra! We can’t thank you enough for becoming fast friends with Izzy and capturing her princess-ness. Thanks for allowing us such a fun photo day! We LOVE the shots. Nice work!

#1 Kerri Costley

Myra — you are wonderful!! Thank you, thank you! Izzy and her family had an amazing time at Kerrytown preparing for their magical princess adventure that will take place very soon. May all your wishes come true! Love, Fairy Godmother

#2 Susan

You really captured Izzy beautifully…I don’t know her, but I feel as I do… after looking at these enchanting photos!

#3 Sara

i would just like to say what you do is amazing and this amazing little girl looks beautiful in all these photos and looks like shes really enjoying herself. What you do is worth more than words x

#4 laura

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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