Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008

Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Over the Top (literally!): Dream Engine’s Heliosphere.
Over the Top (literally!): Dream Engine’s Heliosphere.

The 25th anniversary Festival’s “Top of the Park” featured aerialists, combat acrobats, blazing-hot performances, and dramatic storm clouds. I was running around like a kid in the world’s awesome-est candy store, trying desperately to document it all. When the curtain finally came down on this year’s Festival, and I at last had a chance to peruse the 3000+ images I’d shot, I was ever-so-slightly giddy: the images were tantalizingly lush, and they really captured the vibe, the spirit, and the excitement of “Top of the Park.”

And thanks to my Nikon D3, which I acquired earlier this year, I was able to capture very-low-light night shots that would have been impossible with my previous camera body. I’m not a techno-geek by any means, but I gotta say how much I appreciate the capacities of the D3.

I was determined to display this year’s haul in the majestic splendor it deserves. (Perhaps my show at the Power Center had gone to my head.) Fortunately, my trusty sidekick re-engineered the Relish layout to display photographs in a SUPERWIDE format — 800 pixels of horizontal bliss! Thanks Rico! (Apologies if you’re one of the very, very few Relish readers on a dial-up connection.)

Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Opening night: Bounce-happy fans leap in unison to My Dear Disco’s pulsing, electronic beats.
Opening night: Bounce-happy fans leap in unison to My Dear Disco’s pulsing, electronic beats.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Opening night: My first time seeing Macpodz — loved their music and swagger!
Opening night: My first time seeing Macpodz — loved their music and swagger!
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | STREB’s crowd teaser/pleaser: I’m pretty sure I heard the guy yell “this is gonna hurt!” as he hurled himself into the kiddie-size, inflatable pool. I was forced to use my body as a human shield to protect my Nikon D3 from the seemingly interminable onslaught of splashes that ensued. Cannonball!!!
STREB’s crowd teaser/pleaser: I’m pretty sure I heard the guy yell “this is gonna hurt!” as he hurled himself into the kiddie-size, inflatable pool. I was forced to use my body as a human shield to protect my Nikon D3 from the seemingly interminable onslaught of splashes that ensued. Cannonball!!!
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | The Sun Messengers’ finale ushers out the last moments of twilight.
The Sun Messengers’ finale ushers out the last moments of twilight.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Festival = Sno-Cones. This little one couldn’t get enough of either.
Festival = Sno-Cones. This little one couldn’t get enough of either.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Balloons from the 25th Anniversary Gala attack local youths.
Balloons from the 25th Anniversary Gala attack local youths.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Kids (with Sno-Cone colored lips) watch L.A. Story on the inflatable screen. Look ma, no tripod!
Kids (with Sno-Cone colored lips) watch L.A. Story on the inflatable screen. Look ma, no tripod!
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Dream Engine’s Heliosphere: the ineffable, atomic-boysenberry iridescence of a giant helium balloon… Wow!
Dream Engine’s Heliosphere: the ineffable, atomic-boysenberry iridescence of a giant helium balloon… Wow!
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Heliosphere swoops down to a crowd of children. (Thankfully, no photographers — or expensive, rental fisheye lenses — were trampled during the taking of this photograph.)
Heliosphere swoops down to a crowd of children. (Thankfully, no photographers — or expensive, rental fisheye lenses — were trampled during the taking of this photograph.)
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Dream Engine’s Conedancers: the blue sky (with puffy white clouds) provided the perfect backdrop to this love story (boy chases girl, girl chases boy, you know the drill), which (literally) revolves around this giant, inflatable cone.
Dream Engine’s Conedancers: the blue sky (with puffy white clouds) provided the perfect backdrop to this love story (boy chases girl, girl chases boy, you know the drill), which (literally) revolves around this giant, inflatable cone.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Storm clouds should know better than to mess with Lady Sunshine and the X Band!
Storm clouds should know better than to mess with Lady Sunshine and the X Band!
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | During much of the festival this year, there was a 50% chance of isolated thunderstorms.
During much of the festival this year, there was a 50% chance of isolated thunderstorms.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | After a rain-shower-intermission, Lady Sunshine and the X Band radiate soulful goodness.
After a rain-shower-intermission, Lady Sunshine and the X Band radiate soulful goodness.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Culinary Row at night. Used my friendly tripod for this one.
Culinary Row at night. Used my friendly tripod for this one.
Ann Arbor Summer Festival 2008 | Pass the popcorn!
Pass the popcorn!

See also:



Great work Myra!

yup, these totally rock! the colors, composition, mood…everything is fabulous!!!

Couldn’t make the festival this year because I was working… but your pics make me feel like I was there AND that it was painted in technicolor! Awesome work.

#3 barb coven

These photos are incredibly amazing, Myra. Every time I visit Relish I’m blown away by another great shot (multiple). The Summerfest photos are just awesome. Rock on, sister. (did I just say that?)

#4 Karen Farmer

Beautiful photos! Especially those local youths being attacked by balloons — that’s my son and his friends! :-)

#5 Julie

All I can say is FANTASTIC! You have captured the essence of the Festival, captured its energy, making it come alive all over again. The Festival is so lucky to have you documenting these unique experiences. Outstanding. Thank you!

#6 David Baru

! These are amazing photos! My favorite is “Kids watch L.A. Story…”. This is something you’d find in a professional magazine. Oh wait! You are a professional! I really like the varied selection of photos as they show many different perspectives of top of the park.

These are so fun and vibrant – great work!

#8 farlane

Altogether dazzling and awesome. You deliver!

#9 Lorie Heiberger

I’m totally filing this in my “summer vacation” idea folder. Maybe next year. It looks like so much fun! Breathtaking photos. Just amazing.

#10 Kim

As always, great shots Myra! – Now you’ve made me want a wide angle lens even more badly :) Cheers!

#11 Grant Carmichael

What amazing energy. Makes me breathless just looking at those photos. I want to jump into that kiddie pool.

#12 judy musket

Awesome, breathtaking images as usual Myra!

Myra — this pictures are breathtaking.

We want to hire you asa-ABSOLUTELY-p

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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