Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Entries tagged with “mark-tucker”

FestiFools 2013

FestiFools 2013 was awesome — and, lasting just 60 minutes, also a blur. The weather was perfect, the amassed Fools were pumped and giddy, smiling faces abounded, music filled the street… (Also, every child under 12 got a free pony!) I was delighted to see so many friends and neighbors and...

FoolMoon 2012

The weather wasn’t nearly as warm as last year’s inaugural FoolMoon, but we were all thanking our lucky stars that it was at least dry. Precipitation, of any variety, may not have dampened the spirits of the most FoolHardy, but I fear it would have kept a lot of the...

FestiFools 2012

Irony: After a Foolish weekend steeped in “Language: The Human Quintessence,” I find myself utterly lacking … whaddaya call them things? … oh yeah, words. So we’ll let the photos do most of the talking. Honestly, I normally like to say more but I’m still catching my breath from the...

A Mad Dash towards FoolMoon + FestiFools 2012

Without a moment to spare, here’s my annual, behind-the-scenes sneak-peek at the making of Ann Arbor’s Weekend of Foolishness. The weekend kicks off with tomorrow evening’s FoolMoon, which debuted last year (FoolMoon 2011) and instantly took its rightful place in the pantheon of not-to-be-missed happenings in Ann Arbor. FestiFools “occupies”...

FestiFools 2011

If you’ll endulge me, I’d like to open my remarks today by quoting the ever-eloquent FestiFools Q. Public (on Twitter): A2 Fools are BEST! Mother Nature threw us a curve ball today, but we (to mix a metaphor) made lemonade out of it. Bravo! Yes, the weather was a major factor in...

FoolMoon 2011

Wow! The very first FoolMoon event was a crazy success — what a massive outpouring of creativity (HUNDREDS of people made their own luminary sculptures and brought them out to the street), soul-thumpin’ beats (big ups to Vulf Duo, JUICE, and the Third Coast Kings), and communal good cheer (everybody...

Marching towards FoolMoon + FestiFools 2011

Without a moment to spare — I mean, a weekend of Foolishness kicks off TOMORROW NIGHT! — I am finally ready to unveil my annual, behind-the-scenes sneak-peek at the making of FestiFools. Given that FestiFools is now celebrating its fifth anniversary, our Foolish friends have seen fit keep the Foolish...

FestiFools 2010

Where did that preciously Foolish hour go? FestiFools came and went far too quickly this year. Even though I was utterly spent by 5pm — as were numerous others, especially those carrying puppets — there were so many more moments I wished I’d captured. Alas, that is the nature of...

FestiFools 2009

FestiFools 2009 is, as the movie moguls say, “in the can.” It was totally wicked great — and only slightly moist (which, judging by the giddy expressions I saw up and down Main St., didn’t seem to dampen anyone’s spirits). There’s so much to show and tell that we’d better cut...

FestiFools 2008

Wow! FestiFools 2008 was completely, totally, utterly, absolutely, wicked awesome! Giant puppets marauding on Main Street; throngs of volunteers and spectators jumping, dancing, clapping, and shouting “Wahoo!”; Groove beating on buckets and ladders; clowns and music-makers clowning and making music (respectively); Zoltan posing mind-boggling koans; lots of happy faces; plenty...

Marching towards FestiFools 2008

The 2nd FestiFools Parade is coming around faster than you can get dishpan hands from working with papier-mâché (which, trust me, is pretty fast). On Sunday, April 6 from 4–5pm, giant, fanciful puppets (and foolish co-conspirators) will once again descend upon downtown Ann Arbor, and dance like there’s no tomorrow....

FestiFools April 1st Parade

FestiFools 2008 is scheduled for Sunday, April 6, at 4pm (Fools at Four!). For updates and information about how you can be involved in the process to create the magnificent street creatures, visit the Street Theater Art website. Backstory Being a Burns Park Player means having the pleasure of working with very...
Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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