Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma!

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Laurey (Lydia Hiller) and Curley (Tim Van Riper) tease each other.
Laurey (Lydia Hiller) and Curley (Tim Van Riper) tease each other.

While I was shooting the final dress rehearsal for the Pioneer Theatre Guild’s production of Oklahoma!, I was continuously amazed by the quality of the lighting design. The light defined and highlighted each cast member on stage. But more than being merely technically superb, the lighting established its own thematic presence — conveying mood, time-of-day, dreams. Breathtaking!

Truly, the entire production is stunning. Most definitely worthy of excellent light. I’m so glad I could be there to capture it.

Please pardon my short write-up about the show. There is so much more to say, but I’m very behind in my work (you know, my “day job”). If you’d like to learn more about the show, please check out the following links:

Only Three More Performances!

  • Friday, November 13 @ 7:30pm
  • Saturday, November 14 @ 7:30pm
  • Sunday, November 15 @ 2pm matinee


  • Adults: $12
  • Students/Seniors/PHS Staff: $9

All performances will be in Schreiber Auditorium at Ann Arbor’s Pioneer High School.

More info on the Pioneer Theatre Guild and the current season.

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | The boys enjoy a close look at one of Will’s souvenirs from Kanses.
The boys enjoy a close look at one of Will’s souvenirs from Kanses.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Ado Annie (Maia Gleason) is giddy over the men in her life. | One of those men is the unscrupulous Ali Hakim (Leo Bayless-Hall), a Persian traveling peddler.
Ado Annie (Maia Gleason) is giddy over the men in her life. | One of those men is the unscrupulous Ali Hakim (Leo Bayless-Hall), a Persian traveling peddler.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Beautiful dancing led by co–dance captain Beth Lloyd (third from the left).
Beautiful dancing led by co–dance captain Beth Lloyd (third from the left).
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Mr. Carnes (Daniel Mozurkewich) forces Ali Hakim (Leo Bayless-Hall) to marry his daughter, Ado Annie (Maia Gleason), at gunpoint.
Mr. Carnes (Daniel Mozurkewich) forces Ali Hakim to marry his daughter, Ado Annie, at gunpoint.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Curley (Tim Van Riper) and Jud (John Spalding) in the smokehouse wax melancholic about Jud finally being appreciated — at his funeral. | Jud is desperate for a woman of his own.
Curley and Jud (John Spalding) in the smokehouse wax melancholic about Jud finally being appreciated — at his funeral. | Jud is desperate for a woman of his own.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | The beginning of the Dream Sequence: gorgeous dancing and lighting.
The beginning of the Dream Sequence: gorgeous dancing and lighting.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Dream sequence: Laurey (Lydia Hiller) awaits Curley (Tim Van Riper) at the wedding altar.
Dream sequence: Laurey awaits Curley at the wedding altar.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Dream sequence: Laurey (Lydia Hiller) is aghast at how women are objectified in Jud’s (John Spalding) world.
Dream sequence: Laurey is aghast at how women are objectified in Jud’s world.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Dream sequence: Curley (Tim Van Riper) is dead after a fight with Jud (John Spalding).
Dream sequence: Curley is dead after a fight with Jud.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Aunt Eller (Emily Steward) imposes peace between the cowboys and the farmers.
Aunt Eller (Emily Steward) imposes peace between the cowboys and the farmers.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Laurey’s (Lydia Hiller) picnic lunch triggers a bidding war.
Laurey’s picnic lunch triggers a bidding war.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | Will (Schuyler Robinson) and Ado Annie (Maia Gleason) argue over the ground rules for their relationship.
Will (Schuyler Robinson) and Ado Annie argue over the ground rules for their relationship.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | The final showdown: Jud’s got a knife! (John Spalding and Tim Van Riper)
The final showdown: Jud’s got a knife!
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Oklahoma! | The ensemble included several cowboys-in-training — i.e., younger siblings of Theatre Guild members.
The ensemble included several cowboys-in-training — i.e., younger siblings of Theatre Guild members.

See also:



Hello Folks;
Visited the lovely town of Ann Arbor for the first time last weekend. Attended the Saturday, November 14th presentation of Oklahoma.
Our family really enjoyed the play. The students put on a show that we would expect to see from high budget professional troupes.
Pioneer High School should be very proud of all their students who helped to make this production go off so smoothly.

Bob Fallis

#1 Bob Fallis

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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