Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown


Updated May 6, 2009: I’ve added five NEW PHOTOS to this entry — several of which were intentionally held back until the end of the show’s run.

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Before the dress rehearsal: Public Amenity #9 (à-la-fisheye). Could this have been painted any more beautifully — “beautifully” in the sense of dilapidated, grungy, unhygienic, public-toilet-from-hell?
Before the dress rehearsal: Public Amenity #9 (à-la-fisheye). Could this have been painted any more beautifully — “beautifully” in the sense of dilapidated, grungy, unhygienic, public-toilet-from-hell?

This Brooklyn-born peon was — yet again! — bowled over by the great talent on display at Schreiber Auditorium this afternoon. The members of the Pioneer Theatre Guild were full of piss and vinegar as they brought this fictional dystopia (Urinetown) to life on the stage. The show gives the cast many opportunities to demonstrate their musical theatre chops, while simultaneously mocking every convention of the genre — Rico thought it was pretty hilarious; and Max especially liked the “tinkle” sound effect, which the audio guys let him trigger during the intermission.

The production designers and technical crews make the cast truly shine with pitch-perfect sets, lighting, sound, costumes, make-up, and props. The production is tight, and utterly stunning. Kudos to stage managers Avi Dobrusin and Miriam Michaels for being the glue that holds it all together.

I shot these photos during the last dress rehearsal. When I originally posted this entry, I withheld a few choice images, as there are some wonderful surprises I didn’t want to spoil.

Only three performances remain. If you’re able to go, urine for a treat!


  • Adults: $12
  • Students/Seniors/Teachers: $8

Performance Schedule

  • Friday, May 1 @ 7:30pm
  • Saturday, May 2 @ 7:30pm
  • Sunday, May 3 @ 2pm matinee

All performances will be in Schreiber Auditorium at Ann Arbor’s Pioneer High School. More info is available at the Pioneer Theatre Guild website.

Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Urinetown narrators, Officer Lockstock (Rory Scott) and Little Sally (Ashley Park), consider various problems that might ruin a musical — e.g., a bad title.
Urinetown narrators, Officer Lockstock (Rory Scott) and Little Sally (Ashley Park), consider various problems that might ruin a musical — e.g., a bad title.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | The impoverished denizens of Urinetown perform the title number. Both times I saw the show (shooting the dress rehearsal, and in the audience with Max and Rico at the first matinee), I was amazed with the energy of the performances — these kids don’t hold anything back.
The impoverished denizens of Urinetown perform the title number. Both times I saw the show (shooting the dress rehearsal, and in the audience with Max and Rico at the first matinee), I was amazed with the energy of the performances — these kids don’t hold anything back.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | I must have those socks! | Little Sally’s teddy-bear bank, in which she keeps her “pee” money (the bear features a twist-off head).
I must have those socks! | Little Sally’s teddy-bear bank, in which she keeps her “pee” money (the bear features a twist-off head).
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | The office of Caldwell B. Cladwell, the money-grubbing, cold-hearted, Hobbesian president and owner of Urine Good Company (UGC on the NASDAQ). Cladwell’s portrait was expertly painted by Raye Evrard and Elayne Fivenson, with David Zinn.
The office of Caldwell B. Cladwell, the money-grubbing, cold-hearted, Hobbesian president and owner of Urine Good Company (UGC on the NASDAQ). Cladwell’s portrait was expertly painted by Raye Evrard and Elayne Fivenson, with David Zinn.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Some of the well-heeled staff at Urine Good Company. | Caldwell B. Cladwell (Robert Axelrod) is a deliciously despicable villain.
Some of the well-heeled staff at Urine Good Company. | Caldwell B. Cladwell (Robert Axelrod) is a deliciously despicable villain.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | NEW PHOTO: I’ve seen some phenomenal kick lines in my day, but this one takes the cake! (Kudos to high-kicking Robert Axelrod.)
NEW PHOTO: I’ve seen some phenomenal kick lines in my day, but this one takes the cake! (Kudos to high-kicking Robert Axelrod.)
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | NEW PHOTO: Cop Song (that’s actually what it’s called)
NEW PHOTO: Cop Song (that’s actually what it’s called)
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | NEW PHOTO: Hope Cladwell (Mara Abramson) insists that Bobby Strong (Robby Eisentrout) listen to her heart, literally: “Someday I’ll meet someone / Whose heart joins with mine / Aortas and arteries all intertwined…”
NEW PHOTO: Hope Cladwell (Mara Abramson) insists that Bobby Strong (Robby Eisentrout) listen to her heart, literally: “Someday I’ll meet someone / Whose heart joins with mine / Aortas and arteries all intertwined…”
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | NEW PHOTO: Three rather large — albeit cute — bunnies (James Driessche, John Lee, and Joe Weindorf) meet unhappy endings in Don’t Be the Bunny.
NEW PHOTO: Three rather large — albeit cute — bunnies (James Driessche, John Lee, and Joe Weindorf) meet unhappy endings in Don’t Be the Bunny.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Act 1 Finale brings the entire cast onto the stage. The “Pee for Free” revolutionaries throw off the shackles of economic oppression, while the forces of darkness — or so it would seem — look on from above.
Act 1 Finale brings the entire cast onto the stage. The “Pee for Free” revolutionaries throw off the shackles of economic oppression, while the forces of darkness — or so it would seem — look on from above.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | NEW PHOTO: Slick “flashback” interludes…
Old Man Strong (right): Bobby! Bobby, reason with the woman. I’m a little short this morning.
Tiny Tom (left, tossing silver glitter): No shorter than yesterday. Unless I’ve grown.
NEW PHOTO: Slick “flashback” interludes…
Old Man Strong (right): Bobby! Bobby, reason with the woman. I’m a little short this morning.
Tiny Tom (left, tossing silver glitter): No shorter than yesterday. Unless I’ve grown.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Hot Blades Harry (John Spalding), center, shows Tiny Tom (Russel Norris) the meaning of “Urinetown” in What is Urinetown? I love the enormous sign (partially visible in the photo) that reads “Secret Hideout” — and even features a helpful arrow showing just where it is. This is typical of the self-referential (and in this instance, self-negating) humor of the show.
Hot Blades Harry (John Spalding), center, shows Tiny Tom (Russel Norris) the meaning of “Urinetown” in What is Urinetown? I love the enormous sign (partially visible in the photo) that reads “Secret Hideout” — and even features a helpful arrow showing just where it is. This is typical of the self-referential (and in this instance, self-negating) humor of the show.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Little Becky Two Shoes (Maia Gleason) and Little Sally (Ashley Park) debate Hope Cladwell’s (Mara Abramson) fate. | Penelope Pennywise (Emily Steward) laments, Why Did I Listen to That Man?
Little Becky Two Shoes (Maia Gleason) and Little Sally (Ashley Park) debate Hope Cladwell’s (Mara Abramson) fate. | Penelope Pennywise (Emily Steward) laments, Why Did I Listen to That Man?
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Bobby Strong (Robby Eisentrout) leads a paupers’ choir in one of my favorite numbers, Run Freedom Run.
Bobby Strong (Robby Eisentrout) leads a paupers’ choir in one of my favorite numbers, Run Freedom Run.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | Bottoming out at Public Amenity #9 (Carly Paull-Baird). | Officer Barrel (Olivia Songer) high on the roof of Urine Good Company.
Bottoming out at Public Amenity #9 (Carly Paull-Baird). | Officer Barrel (Olivia Songer) high on the roof of Urine Good Company.
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | The Pit, clockwise from bottom left: Ryan Yunck, Gillian Golden, Tim VanRiper, David Perample (conductor), Andrew Koeppe, Jennifer Woolley, Hope Wilson (not shown), Julia Markey, and Dan Siler (not shown).
The Pit, clockwise from bottom left: Ryan Yunck, Gillian Golden, Tim VanRiper, David Perample (conductor), Andrew Koeppe, Jennifer Woolley, Hope Wilson (not shown), Julia Markey, and Dan Siler (not shown).
Pioneer Theatre Guild: Urinetown | They were singing and dancing like there was no tomorrow. I was rocking out in my seat, hoping it would never end.
They were singing and dancing like there was no tomorrow. I was rocking out in my seat, hoping it would never end.

See also:



These photos are extraordinary. Thank you for capturing the work of our cast and crew with such breathtaking color, clarity and beauty!

#1 Lesa Huget

Myra, thank you so much for beautifully capturing these fleeting moments! I am especially grateful since after working so much on these images everything will vanish next week…. But it is worth every minute and I will always have your images to return to! Thank you again! Kasia

#2 Kasia

Myra, The photos are wonderful. The vivid color conveys the atmosphere. I can almost smell the stench! As always, I’d like to see the crew in the photos: make-up, costumes, sets, and sound . The actors would’t look or sound as good as they do without the backstage help. Too bad it’s the same faces all the time!

#3 Kim Perlman

Myra, this show was truly a unique experience for me, and now as I sit here the hours that we all spent on it seem to run far off into the past. There is no way I can put enough emphasis on how grateful I am for these pictures. It was always a dream of mine to be able to have something to be remembered by. You’ve helped this process happen with more skill than I could ever have. Thank you so much,

#4 Rory Scott

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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