Myra Klarman Photography families / seniors / headshots

FutureStars 2010

FutureStars 2010 | The FutureStars stage just before the start of the show. Relative calm  before the talent storms in.
The FutureStars stage just before the start of the show. Relative calm before the talent storms in.

FutureStars 2010 was an extraordinary event that so totally exceeded my already high expectations, especially in terms of showmanship. And I’m sorry, but you had to be there — if you were lucky enough to get tickets, that is. Long gone are the days when the Pioneer Theatre Guild had to beg, borrow, and steal bodies to fill Schreiber Auditorium.

Here’s what I want to know: What planet do these kids come from? Who gave them the idea they could do those riffs and make those moves? And where did all that soul come from? Producer Susan Hurwitz denies responsibility; she says the kids did it all on their own. As many veteran producers and directors know, sometimes it’s best to just get the hell outta the way and let the performers do their thing. For giving the performers this room to express themselves so fully, we should applaud the entire directorial and production team, which also includes Sadie Yarrington (Theatre Guild alumna), Desi Oakley, Han Park, Joel Sparks, Brian E. Buckner, and Ciara Stella.

FutureStars 2010 | Surprises abounded, barriers were broken, expectations were surpassed. Here Leo Bayless-Hall boldly goes where no FutureStars contestant has gone before. He gives the full rock-star treatment to Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls.
Surprises abounded, barriers were broken, expectations were surpassed. Here Leo Bayless-Hall boldly goes where no FutureStars contestant has gone before. He gives the full rock-star treatment to Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls.
FutureStars 2010 | The judges didn’t stand a chance — the onslaught of audacious talent overwhelmed us all. But they had the impossible task of narrowing down the field to five finalists. So impossible, in fact, that they were only able to winnow it to six. Hats off to Philip van Spronsen (screenwriter and University of Michigan alumnus), Zack Pearlman (actor and Pioneer Theatre Guild alumnus), Lucy Ann Lance (local radio personality), and Courtney Clark (owner of Cake Nouveau and challenge competitor on the Food Network) for giving it their best.
The judges didn’t stand a chance — the onslaught of audacious talent overwhelmed us all. But they had the impossible task of narrowing down the field to five finalists. So impossible, in fact, that they were only able to winnow it to six. Hats off to Philip van Spronsen (screenwriter and University of Michigan alumnus), Zack Pearlman (actor and Pioneer Theatre Guild alumnus), Lucy Ann Lance (local radio personality), and Courtney Clark (owner of Cake Nouveau and challenge competitor on the Food Network) for giving it their best.
FutureStars 2010 | Tim VanRiper, two-time FutureStars finalist, performed Man in the Mirror. | Kiel Lerch opened FutureStars 2010 with his strong and memorable rendition of Gives You Hell.
Tim VanRiper, two-time FutureStars finalist, performed Man in the Mirror. | Kiel Lerch opened FutureStars 2010 with his strong and memorable rendition of Gives You Hell.
FutureStars 2010 | Top-6 finisher, rap duo Anthony Porter and Mani Herring (Dark Side Boys) performing Smooth Criminal.
Top-6 finisher, rap duo Anthony Porter and Mani Herring (Dark Side Boys) performing Smooth Criminal.
FutureStars 2010 | Carly Paull-Baird, Carolyn Buckingham, Maia Gleason, and Olivia Bassett-Kennedy spared no sass in their performance of Lady Marmalade.
Carly Paull-Baird, Carolyn Buckingham, Maia Gleason, and Olivia Bassett-Kennedy spared no sass in their performance of Lady Marmalade.
FutureStars 2010 | Top-6 finisher Robby Eisentrout’s voice was silky-smooth in So Close. | Co-FutureStar Ryan Yunck floored the judges with his brilliant, self-accompanied performance of Piano Man.
Top-6 finisher Robby Eisentrout’s voice was silky-smooth in So Close. | Co-FutureStar Ryan Yunck floored the judges with his brilliant, self-accompanied performance of Piano Man.
FutureStars 2010 | Mara Abramson turned us all into believers with her stunning performance of When You Wish Upon a Star. | She was accompanied on piano by FutureStars music director Brian E. Buckner.
Mara Abramson turned us all into believers with her stunning performance of When You Wish Upon a Star. | She was accompanied on piano by FutureStars music director Brian E. Buckner.
FutureStars 2010 | This was the event of a lifetime, and I thank my lucky stars I was stage-side to see it. Hannah Pearlman and Space Cadet even had choir accompaniment for an utterly complete performance of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Surely, Freddie Mercury would have been proud.
This was the event of a lifetime, and I thank my lucky stars I was stage-side to see it. Hannah Pearlman and Space Cadet even had choir accompaniment for an utterly complete performance of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Surely, Freddie Mercury would have been proud.
FutureStars 2010 | I loved how Top-6 finisher Space Cadet with Hannah Pearlman assembled themselves in perfect rock-star, photo-op formation. All my group shots should be this easy! Ben Pernick (sunglasses), Amin Lanseur (top hat and wings), Hannah Pearlman (guest vocalist), Ryan Yunck, Ryan King (in table pose), and Max Hully (lying on floor).
I loved how Top-6 finisher Space Cadet with Hannah Pearlman assembled themselves in perfect rock-star, photo-op formation. All my group shots should be this easy! Ben Pernick (sunglasses), Amin Lanseur (top hat and wings), Hannah Pearlman (guest vocalist), Ryan Yunck, Ryan King (in table pose), and Max Hully (lying on floor).
FutureStars 2010 | Top-6 finisher Maia Gleason expertly delivered a dramatic Lean On Me. | Co-FutureStar John Spalding gave the audience goosebumps with Dance With My Father.
Top-6 finisher Maia Gleason expertly delivered a dramatic Lean On Me. | Co-FutureStar John Spalding gave the audience goosebumps with Dance With My Father.
FutureStars 2010 | Schuyler Robinson executed a high-voltage performance of Bad Romance.
Schuyler Robinson executed a high-voltage performance of Bad Romance.
FutureStars 2010 | This year’s special guest performer was 2007 Pioneer graduate and Theatre Guild alumna Lucciana Costa, who has launched her professional music career. She’ll be performing at The Ark on Friday, April 30, 2010. | FutureStars hosts Sara Pelo, Corey Garff, Claire Schorin, and Julia Rampton go formal for the finale.
This year’s special guest performer was 2007 Pioneer graduate and Theatre Guild alumna Lucciana Costa, who has launched her professional music career. She’ll be performing at The Ark on Friday, April 30, 2010. | FutureStars hosts Sara Pelo, Corey Garff, Claire Schorin, and Julia Rampton go formal for the finale.
FutureStars 2010 | After several excruciating rounds of voting, it was just too close to call: John Spalding and Ryan Yunck are elated to share the title FutureStar 2010!
After several excruciating rounds of voting, it was just too close to call: John Spalding and Ryan Yunck are elated to share the title FutureStar 2010!

See also:



Stunning photos, Myra! They are INCREDIBLE.

#1 Adrienne Moira Licata

Amazing photos! I just wish we could’ve seen the Rising Stars.

#2 Lauren

Soon ALL 113 of my shots from the finals will be posted here: ptguild2.aaps.k12.mi…

Definitely includes Rising Stars shots!

#3 Myra


#4 Anthony Porter

I couldn’t believe how fabulous the kids looked and how unbelievable the photos were. So I waited a whole day and checked the blog out again. No, I wasn’t mistaken. The whole thing is out of this world. Kudos to Myra for capturing the power and beauty of the presentation. Way to go, Myra!!!

#5 Barbara

What a great experience for them!

#6 Mindy

Killer photos – looks like over-the-top fun. Nice job!

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Photo of Myra Klarman
About Myra Klarman

I’m a professional photographer specializing in studio and lifestyle portraits of children, families, high school seniors, and performing artists. I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Rich, and our 22-year-old son, Max. Learn more about my portrait and headshot services at Myra Klarman Photography.

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